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Re: LI traffic and a proposal

Manoj Srivastava proclaimed:
>         Would there be a database of email addresses that are
>  acceptable? can one add to/delete these addresses?

Currently for LI I have a seperate DB of the address that are not part of
the list but still have posting privileges.  Addition / deletion from this
DB is manual.  I am looking into listar as a replacement for majordomo. 
listar is extensible via modules.  I think writing a module to let people
submit a list of addresses from which they post should be a decent weekend
programming job.

>         Ideally, Majordomo would use an ldap database to contain
>  subscription information, password controlled and manipulated by
>  members of the list, but we live in a far from ideal world ;-)

Considering how listar is extensible I think it should be possible (don't
know with how much effort) to do this.

  "Hey, we just got away with murder. And it was so easy.  Y'know,
      I never liked that wiener Milhouse." -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave