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Re: [LI] Message from RMS.
>>"Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Arun> On Sun, Dec 05, 1999 at 12:01:36PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> >>"Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Arun> Have you thought about what percentage of them do it because of
Arun> convenience and what percentage because use it because they want
Arun> to `build a community' ?
Who cares? The world is full of [ep[;e just turning a buck or
taking advantages of other people and social structures (just tune in
to any debate in the states about welfare)
Sure, so there are people leeching on the community. But even
they help the community, since sheer numbers open doors too.
>> Don' split hairs. It is a movement, and is represented as such
>> by a large fraction of the practitioners and the manstream press.
Arun> Let me put it this way - I don't believe in the movement and I believe
Arun> that a large number of people who use it don't either.
As I said, there are a number of people riding the coat tails
of the people who have a vision. Always have been, and always shall
As far as I am concerned, they are irrelevant. I certainly am
not going to make things easy for them.
Arun> *BSDs have their own brand of free software - one that is less selfish
Arun> than GNU software.
Sure enough. Less selfish -- and less viable. There is more to
writing for free unices than charity. If you are missing out on the
cause, it is your loss. My commiserations are with you.
You have, IMHO, missed out on the most gratifying aspect of
fee software.
>> Pardon me, but yet again the *BSD's have squandered their
>> opportunity, and are seeking a ``grapes are sour'' akternative. For
>> some very bright people, they seem to always put their foot in their
>> mouths ...
Arun> Squander ? Opportunity ? I'm sorry, I see no such thing.
Precisely why you all are aquandering it.
>> Fine. I know that there are a large number of people who are
>> merely using the work I put in, and not contributing anything
>> back to the community. I also know that my work is being used
>> by people who couldn't care two hoots about the my ideals and
>> principles.
>> That, indeed, is the strongest argument that can be presented
>> for the GPL.
Arun> This is exactly the core of the argument. GPL users prevent certain
Arun> uses of their software so that people ideologically opposed to GPL
Arun> can't benefit from it.
Yes. And that is precisely the point. We have an ideological
reason for liking free software that goes beyong our own
egos. It is the spririt of community.
>> As I said, the GPL is about building a community.
Arun> *BSD is about no strings attached donation. You can take my *BSD code,
Arun> add a few lines to it and GPL it. No problems.
Sounds liek a free lunch.
Frankly, I would hesitate to build my busnies on some one
elses charity. With the GPL, I know it goes beyond that -- These
people are interested in a community, and, as a member of a
community, apart from just having the right to enjoy the fruits of
other peoples labour, I have a duty to contribute back in.
This co-operative community is what makes it easy for me to
risk my livelyhood starting a business based on free software. It is
not based on charity -- I don't need that -- it is based on a common,
mutual benifit situation, and a community I have come to respect.
I think we are beginning to rehash points now.
"And it's so portable --- at least, it worked on every VAX that I
tried it on." Tim McDaniel (mcdaniel@xxxxxxx) 6 Sep 90,
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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