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Re: [LI] Message from RMS.
Uh-huh, you got it all wrong. Sharing wealth which diminishes (or
remains static) by sharing is communism. Sharing wealth which
increases by sharing is called being a good citizen of the world. If
I have a hundred rupees and give you fifty, the total amount of wealth
in the world doesn't increase. On the other hand, if I have a program
which saves me 2 hours a day in managing my appointments and share it
with you, I increase the amount of wealth in the world by 2 man-hours
per day without dimishing anything. See?
-- Raju
>>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Arun> On Sat, Dec 04, 1999 at 12:43:03PM +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
>> Next, it /is/ true that software is wealth, and making
>> proprietary software is tantamount to reducing the amount of
>> wealth in the world.
Arun> That is communism in my book. In your view of the world,
Arun> software, which you define as wealth should be free for
Arun> all. In other words, having property is illegal. If this is
Arun> not communism, what else is ?
Arun> I would like to be in control of my wealth. If I please,
Arun> I'll donate some of my wealth to others. But no one can
Arun> force me to do that.
>> Purely from a moral point of view, then, all software should be
>> free.
Arun> Impractical.
>> If you make proprietary software, you are a hoarder,
Arun> Let me ask you this - do you have a bank account ?
>> and I for one will not encourage you in your selfish objectives
>> by giving you the means to incorporate my code into your
>> software.
Arun> Who said anything is wrong with being selfish ? That's what
Arun> drives capitalism.
>> All code I write is GPL'd, and if you don't like the GPL you
>> are free to use a (perhaps better, perhaps worse)
>> implementation which follows a less (more?) restrictive
>> license.
Arun> (a) Sure I don't like GPL. But to be practical - Linux is
Arun> the OS that best suits my needs today and from a practical
Arun> point of view, it makes sense to contribute to it.
Arun> (b) Even RMS admits that GPL is a *more* restrictive
Arun> license. He just insists that it is more "free", for his
Arun> definition of "free".
>> Now comes the question of how programmers are to make money. I
>> don't know whether anyone on this list has noticed, but the
>> world is changing. MS, for example, has publicly announced
>> their intent to completely change the focus of their company
>> from software to services in a few years.
Arun> MS still owes most, if not all of their money to closed
Arun> software and will continue to make most of their money that
Arun> way.
Arun> I as a programmer, would like to design new things and
Arun> implement them. That's what I'm good at and what I'd like
Arun> to get paid for. I don't see anything immoral about it. If
Arun> RMS has a problem with what I do, he can continue blowing
Arun> his horn (which is drying up whatever respect he had, due to
Arun> his technical excellence) and I'll write BSD licensed code
Arun> and will tell others, using whatever forum is available to
Arun> me to do the same.
>> I don't know of any large computer hardware vendor who is not
>> focussing on services to drive their revenues (IBM, of course,
>> has been doing that for years). The cost you pay for
>> commercial software is split about 20-80 between the cost of
>> developing that software and supporting it.
Arun> Sure. We can all put on the consultant hat and continue to
Arun> become service engineers. Who's going to write the software
Arun> ? Where is the incentive ?
Arun> And continuing the RMS philosophy, service engineers have
Arun> knowledge. Knowledge is wealth. If you get paid for
Arun> service, you're hoarding your knowledge. You selfish service
Arun> engineer!
>> In other words, if you don't recognise that fact that the
>> economy of tomorrow will be driven by services rather than by
>> products, you will find yourself shut out of a, ahem, new world
>> order.
Arun> Something like the Post PC era that's been coming for how
Arun> many years now ?
>> Given this, proprietary software will only play a small part
>> in the IT revenues of the world. Most of the money will be
>> made by people like Atul, Kishore and Gopi, who are offering
>> services only, or primarily (can someone enlighten us on the
>> split between service and product revenue of Exocore and/or C&B
>> Consulting in the past year?) In past avatars I've earned tons
>> of money (atleast by my standards :-) from writing, porting,
>> packaging and supporting free (GPL'd) software, and I would be
>> doing it today if I didn't have committments to my job.
Arun> Ok. You can lecture me on how to make money using
Arun> services. I'm *not* interested in being a service
Arun> engineer. I'd like to do new things. In your scheme of
Arun> things, I should be a service engineer by the day and a free
Arun> software developer by the night ?
Arun> I might as well write commercial software by the day and
Arun> write free software for entertainment purposes.
>> There is no dearth for money to be made and no need for
>> programmers to starve. Even if you find that you are rotten at
>> client interaction and cannot get directly into services, or
>> you are only a hard-core programmer, resources like
>> cosource.com and [what's the other one, forgotten it's name :-)
>> ] will act as a mediator where people will pay you for the GPL
>> software you develop to their specifications.
Arun> Again the GNU agenda. Let me repeat GPL != free
Arun> software. SourceXchange is headed by one of the Apache
Arun> founders. If you see the Apache license (and the fact that
Arun> apache.org runs on FreeBSD) you can get his inclination.
>> Given all this, I see no reason to avoid the GPL virus. If you
>> have faith in your capabilities to deliver quality products and
>> services, if you read the papers and magazines, if you believe
>> that the world should be a better place to live in for
>> everyone,
Arun> For everyone - including those of us, who believe in and
Arun> work in proprietary, closed source software companies. GPL
Arun> doesn't accommadate us.
>> if you have ever used a proprietary software and wondered,
>> ``Why doesn't this do X the way I want X done?'',
Arun> It's easy to shoot down Windows (the prime example of
Arun> proprietary software) in a Linux crowd. Seriously, do you
Arun> believe that it's going away in the next decade ? It has
Arun> it's place. That's reality.
Arun> NT just got a C2 certification, it beats Linux in
Arun> performance benchmarks and usability. It's just that the
Arun> code is owned by a overly agressive company and as a student
Arun> of computer science, NT is not very interesting because of
Arun> its closed nature.
Arun> Technically, you can create a debian distribution around the
Arun> NT kernel and Win32 GUI. It's just too expensive,
Arun> uninteresting and un-heroic to do so. Cygnus almost does
Arun> it.
>> if you don't want to rely on any single organisation for your
>> software support needs, then the GPL is the way to go.
Arun> GPL is not a necessary condition. You can get support for
Arun> Apache from many consultants for example.
>> Any license with different objectives will only dilute the
>> effort that all of us are making and lengthen the shift.
Arun> A different license without the objective of "destroying
Arun> closed source" is exactly what is needed.
Arun> -Arun
Arun> PS: Before we go too deep into this, can someone verify that
Arun> this is not a hoax ? I couldn't see the RMS posting on
Arun> debian-user archives.