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Re: LI traffic and a proposal


 Sudhakar> LI-install	Installation woes
 Sudhakar> LI-setup	Configuration of various pieces of software.
 Sudhakar> LI-X		Questions about installing and configuring
 Sudhakar>               Xfree86 and SiS cards. 
 Sudhakar> LI-networking	Network configuration, PPP, VSNL etc.

        All these should probably be one list. The kind of people most
 likely to have problems are unlikely to be able to diagnose the
 problem a priori, and we would have mis filed podting, or worse,
 cross posts (if you try and folter it out, it makes problems
 worse. People send each mail separately, with like content, to
 different lists). 

        I suggest Linix-india-help.

 Sudhakar> LI-misc		Anything that does not fall under any
 Sudhakar>                      other category. 

 Sudhakar> LI-jobs		A mailing list to look for and post job openings.

        Does this already rate a separate list? Can this not be merged
 into misc for the time being? I think you need to phase the new lists
 into action as the need and volume grows. 

 Sudhakar> LI-admins A controversial closed list.  A forum for
 Sudhakar> coordinating between coordinators of the various regional
 Sudhakar> ILUGs and other friends of Linux in India.

        Personally, I am not in favour of closed lists -- they tend to
 be contra productive in the long run. I shall not object, though, if
 you think we need *one* closed list (why do you think we need
 something not open to general subscribers?). 

 Sudhakar> LI-security

        Again, why is this required? BUGTRAQ and cert-* should be
 enough. It is not as if we are developing code or distributions
 here. Why do we need an indian specific security list?

 Sudhakar> LI-news		Newsclips about Linux in India

        Why is this not in -announce?

 Sudhakar> LI-programmers	Move the egroups.com list to
 Sudhakar>                       lists.linux-india.org 

 Sudhakar> LI-I18n		Internationalization / Localization of
 Sudhakar>                      Linux OS and applications 
 Sudhakar>                      for India

        Generalize this into a -devel list; don't tie it down to a
 specific topic quite yet (at least, not while all development is
 rteally vaporware). What is the distinction between programmers and
 this list?

 Sudhakar> 	+ Most lists will be closed to posting by subscribers
 Sudhakar> 	  only.  This will prevent spamming.

        Umm. I would rather have filters for spam (the spambouncer is
 rather nice); but I can live with it if absolutely necesary. (This
 probably means that one can only post from a fixed address, and I
 often travel).

 Sudhakar> 	+ All mails to multiple LI mailing lists will be filtered.

        Does not help, in practice. People just send the message out
 in sequence, making it harder to filter out duplicates. And cross
 posting is an indication we have split out too narrowly.

 May a Misguided Platypus lay its Eggs in your Jockey Shorts.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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