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Free Internet Connection For LINUX Users!!!

Hey Friends,
            Get a free internet connection from 
WIPLASH and that too only for Linux user's.
WIPLASH is the only ISP in india exclusively for students.It provides the students with information on the the hottest courses & coolest bargains in town it also provides career guidance and jobs to its subscribers.They are kept informed about the latest educational opportunities.
The internet was developed was by University students
and is thus the birth right of every student.
The service is dedicated to Linus Torvalds, a computer scientist from Finland who, as a student, developed the free operating system that WIPLASH uses.
All you need to do is to go to their website
and sign up and bingo he connected within 48 hours.
Or e-mail to us at wiplash@xxxxxxxxxx

Krishna Shekhar
Network Administrator

Get Your Private, Free Email at <A HREF="http://www.elinuxmail.com"; target="_new">http://www.eLinuxMail.com</A>