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You can modify the PATH variable in your .bash_profile in your home
directory if you want to change the PATH for just your account. If you want
ot implement the change throughout the system, then modify the PATH variable
in the /etc/profile file.
Note that you will have to login again for the change to take effect.


> ----------
> From: 	Upendra Uniyal[SMTP:upendra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Reply To: 	linux-delhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: 	Friday, May 25, 2001 1:16 PM
> To: 	linux-delhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: 	[linux-delhi] PATH
> <<File: upendra.vcf>><<File: ATT148779.txt>>
> Can someone tell that from which file the environment is set , as I
> tried to put some directories in path but i couldnot find the same , I
> am logged as root and bash shell in LINUX 7.
> Thanks
> Upendra