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[Fwd: Pro Free Software Law in Argentina]

Tony Stanco wrote:
> Here is a very interesting post to Slashdot yesterday about a bill proposed
> in Argentina to make the software used by the government free software.
> Do we have anyone from Argentina on the list? Can you contact me?
> Do others know of other similar initatives in other countries?
> +++++++++++
> Posted by Hemos on Saturday April 28, @01:02PM
> from the interesting-idea dept.
> TrixX writes: "The following article is about a law that's being discussed at
> the Congress of Argentina." I've attached the summary of the law -- it'd
> essentially make it a law to migrate to free software. Pretty interesting
> proposal.
> Free Software Law for Argentina
> There's presently a law being discussed at the Congress in Argentina, that
> would make mandatory the use of and migration to Free Software when possible.
> That law was originally proposed by a Congressmen, but he contacted people
> from the Free Software Community in Argentina (non-profit organizations,
> LUGs, etc.), and we have already suggested many changes that are making into
> the law. This has already a big push from a lot of people (including RMS),
> but we are interested about opinions and suggested changes for the law,
> coming from the Slashdot community
> Sorry for not having an URL published, there's one but we have very little
> bandwidth
> This is a translation of the law being discussed. It's already in discussion
> at the congress, and moving on
> Note: all uses of the "free" word are for spanish "libre", i.e, free as in
> free speech, not free beer.
> Policy for Free Software use for the Federal State ...
> [http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/04/28/010216]

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