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Re: meet?

	The ILUG-D meeting is a monthly event, and is frequently arranged
at some venue in South/Central Delhi. Lately, the venue has been at SARAI,
near the ISBT, and will probably remain so. The next meeting is
scheduled for Sunday, the 12th of May. The formal announcement will
be made on this list soon. Check the details at the Linux-Delhi website.
	For those who came late, the Linux-Delhi website is at
www.linux-delhi.org . It carries most of the info you'd need about
Linux-Delhi. Me thinks it would'nt be a bad idea to let the mailing list
footer say where the Linux-Delhi website is. Raju?

-- Sunny.

>On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, nitin batra wrote:

>I am new to the list as a new born baby!!
>But do we have a chance that we could have a ILUG
>in south/central part of delhi
>If that would be more convenient to more members of the list than not