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Re: sorry!!

There he goes again - the born fighter. Raju, how about suggesting some
punishments for the list to choose for him, starting from phansi (not
fancy), kala-pani (not delhi's water), away from linux-box for a
month, etc.....

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Neil wrote:
> raju>Well, there's no problem as far as I'm concerned (since I had
> raju>suspicions all along).  I leave it to the list to decide what to do
> raju>with you.
> bloody hell...
> u had suspicions all along that it was from me??? 
> haaa???
> Neil
> ------------------------------------------------
> The mailing list archives are available at
> http://lists.linux-india.org/cgi-bin/wilma/linux-delhi

Peace, Force & Joy!                         Sudhir Gandotra.
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