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Re: GNU india

Hi Pankaj,

Just visited the site... I'm surprised I had not heard about it

One thing I noticed is that the site does'nt even mention GNU/Linux,
only the GNU/Hurd.  Technical issues apart, I don't see any reason why
the effort to port all the device drivers / cool features present in
the Linux kernel should be undertaken at all.  Is it just because the
FSF wishes to retain the complete copyright to "The GNU system"?

If that is the reason, it reminds me of emacs/xemacs problem, where
some volunteers refused to give the copyrights to FSF.  However, that
case was different, because those volunteers did'nt even sign any
legal documents, and hence their contribution could not be properly
applied to any GPL program.  (Raju -- Yes your xemacs is not
technically GPL !)

Linux is completely GPL, is is just not copyrighted by FSF.  Even
technically, the best reason about microkernels was the ease of
porting to other architectures.  Now that Linux runs on more hardware
than anything else, this reason is pretty invalidated.  In fact, M$
had to drop support for Alpha platform for (microkernel-based) NT
because it was too much work for them.  Linus even blasted Mach
kernels recently in this article (not that all people agree with him):

Looking for some answers...

-- Loki.

>>>>> "Pankaj" == Pankaj Kaushal <apenguinhead@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Pankaj> did I told u GNU-India is the second best place to find
    Pankaj> information on hurd comes second only to the debian hurd
    Pankaj> website.

    Pankaj> Jim Franklin features us as the top most hurd site after
    Pankaj> debian site.

    Pankaj> LOL ;)

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