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I find combinations of access db and the new sendmail rblns feature to
be quite sufficient for my purposes for blocking spam.  Add Amavis,
and virus protection becomes an option too.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Sandip" == Sandip Bhattacharya <sandipb@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Sandip> Hi Raj!  It is indeed extremely stoopid and
    Sandip> cut-the-corners kinda approach taken by this sample.

    Sandip> However, he is right in one thing ... most of the SPAM
    Sandip> problems are occuring through servers in Asia. I monitor a
    Sandip> couple of medium traffic web mail systems, and the
    Sandip> spamming incidents are indeed worrisome. There are servers
    Sandip> in Japan, and other east asian countries which keep on
    Sandip> being the source of a large amount of spam.

    Sandip> Even after sending repeated mails to them, they simply do
    Sandip> not respond. Through their irresponsible actions they are
    Sandip> making other countries in the region the target of
    Sandip> world-wide action.Till some time back, some of the leading
    Sandip> ISPs of this country were open mail relays.  I agree, that
    Sandip> some of the folks, like the bloke you just had a tiff
    Sandip> with, can't tell one Asian country from the next and hence
    Sandip> make stupid generalisation judgements.

    Sandip> Is there ANY way of making these places accountable or in
    Sandip> other cases, just suffer??

    Sandip> RBLs are not being used by many ISPs. The ones that do,
    Sandip> use such insane judgements that they make me real
    Sandip> pissed. I remember a few sites like Topica, which has
    Sandip> banned the whole bigfoot.com domain!!  This is so
    Sandip> stupid. One can easily use fake domains while sending
    Sandip> mails! You don't even have to spoof IPs for sending mails
    Sandip> to these servers.

    Sandip> Really, I am really concerned about these SPAM
    Sandip> issues. What are other folks on this list about it???

    Sandip> - Sandip -- ------------------------------------- Sandip
    Sandip> Bhattacharya sandipb @ bigfoot.com http://www.sandipb.net
    Sandip> -------------------------------------

    Sandip> ------------------------------------------------ The
    Sandip> mailing list archives are available at
    Sandip> http://lists.linux-india.org/cgi-bin/wilma/linux-delhi

Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/