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FW: New Linux Worm
got this from a friend
cant make much of it
hope it makes some sense to you and may be useful...if so please let me know
read on:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: New Linux Worm
This worm is basicly a worm that exploits all the
stuff we've seen in all the latest worms(lpd, statd,
wu-ftp 2.6.0 and bind ). it does add some things to
it. One of the main signs is that it backdoors
/bin/ps and moves the old one to /usr/bin/adore. It
all mv /etc/cron.daily/0anacron to 0anacron-bak and
replaces it with a script to start the scanning for
all 4 exploits, rm's it's self after a day, and emails
a copy of the system's ip and the logs of the scans to
I haven't looked very much at it but if you've updated
your machines since the last bind hole you should be