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Re: what is this core?

Whenever u do evil things with an application. Or an application is weak in
its self.
It gets  so scared. It dies(abonormally) ;o).
core is the corpse.
Core is the exact memory dump of  the application that was once happily
You can do a post moterm of this corpse to find the cause of  death.

Please dont try to stop core. It carries a curse.
If u dont let it die. One day all u'll be left in your puter will be core.
BTW the IPC allows u to do a "kirya karam" of core later on.

If you happen to find a lot of corpses in your puter....try to find the

All the best !


----- Original Message -----
Subject: [linux-delhi] what is this core?

> Sometimes a file named core is stored in my /root directory
> and it is often in MBs. what is it and how do I stop it?
> --
> *************************************
> V Suresh