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netBEUI printer

> > hi,> This query of mine is repeated....
> > please tell me if a NetBUEI bassed printer can be accesed(for printing)
> from
> > a linux m/c...with samba or any other utility...
> No, samba only handles NetBIOS. For NetBEUI printers your best options is
> to connect them to a PC running Windows and have that machine run TCP/IP
> and advertise (share) the printer.
	[Ajay (OCS-DELRO)]  

	let me tell you the xact scenario.
	In the lan, i sit in a domain called Delhipc.... where there is one
*nix box and one NT(server PDC) and  a 98 box.
	now the NT box runs a utility called AXis print utility,which is
uses the NetBUEI.....
	so how can i share the printer in this scenario?
	btw, my printer is a HP laserjet5
> Of course all of this information won't help you much -- you never told
> us the printer model.
> Anand
> -- 
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