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Re: [ADMIN] Suspended list subscriptions

Hi Pankaj,

Exactly which feature of mailman which is not present in Majordomo do
you want?

The features that you have listed for mailman are all available in
Majordomo too.  Please use the web-based interface if you don't want
to learn e-mail commands.

-- Raju

>>>>> "Pankaj" == Pankaj Kaushal <apenguinhead@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Pankaj> Raju Mathur wrote:
    >>  Suspended the following addresses for a week due to bounces:
    Pankaj> Hello to the list maintainer (ie raju) hi!

    Pankaj> I know how it feels when you think everything is going the
    Pankaj> way it should and then suddenly Mr. fancy pants comes from
    Pankaj> nowhere and tells you another stupid way of doing it. only
    Pankaj> he feels it is the good way.

    Pankaj> raj I'm subscribed on a lot of lists 9-10 and most of them
    Pankaj> use mailman. mailman gives a lot of power to the
    Pankaj> subscriber.  like 1.controling if he wants batch or not
    Pankaj> 2.stoppin the mails for a little time like when lot of ppl
    Pankaj> are flamin him (good option 4 me) and if hes out of town
    Pankaj> for a week

    Pankaj> when i returned frm banglore i had to clear 450 mails and
    Pankaj> in ages of stupid connection speed and diconnection that
    Pankaj> takes ages

    Pankaj> so i request u to pls take a look at mailman or try to see
    Pankaj> if mojordomo has some other cool features or not.

    Pankaj> -- Pankaj Kaushal <pankaj@xxxxxxx> *****[Hello to all my
    Pankaj> fans in domestic surveillance] ***** #!/bin/perl
    Pankaj> -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
    Pankaj> $/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
    Pankaj> lK[d2%Sa2/d0$^Ixp"|dc`;s/\W//g;$_=pack('H*',/((..)*)$/)