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What does the following command display?
telnet 0 110
If it doesn't give you a POP3 prompt, check /var/log/messages for
error messages from inetd.
I don't know Qpopper, but I very much doubt if it needs any special IP
to work.
-- Raju
>>>>> "Sunil" == Sunil Dhaka <lindel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Sunil> I got Qpopper going on a LAN but on a standalone ( using
Sunil> pop and smtp server addresses of I am not able
Sunil> to run Qpopper (Checked through login by two different
Sunil> users) . Is localhost IP the problem area, ie Qpopper needs
Sunil> a valid IP other than localhost? Regards, -- Sunil Dhaka
Sunil> In quest of Linux enlightenment!