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Re: any agenda for 28th's meeting ?


>>>>> "Gopinath" == S Gopinath <sxg@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Gopinath> Hi, I think I can come on 28th & talk about SNMP Earlier
    Gopinath> I planned to visit Port Blair next week which got

	That is great!  The monthly ilugc meet will be held on the
28th of October at 3:30 pm at the computer center IIT-M.  We will have
a talk on SNMP on 28th.  If people are upto it, I can start off on
bash after this.  We could also save it for another meeting.  This can
be discussed during the meeting.

	Those who said they would do something about "advertising
ilugc meetings" please do the needful.  Suraj - you could maybe put
this information up on the web pages.  

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