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Meeting is today! (was: 16th)


	It is 9:45 AM.  I have received the foll. votes

For 16th:  Maneesh Bomb, Midhun Kumar and Zameer Ahmed.

For 23rd:  Ravikant K. Rao and Suraj.

Therefore as per our democratic process the metting will be held
today. i.e. 16th September 2000, Saturday at the usual 3:30 pm at the
computer center IIT-Madras.

Thank's Zameer for your vote.  If not for your vote we'd be stuck
again. :)


p.s. I didnt smell any foul play.  None of the messages seemed to be

>>>>> "Zameer" == Zameer Ahmed <zameer@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Zameer> Hi Prabhu,

    Zameer>     My vote 16th
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