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ILUG-C representative in LI registration list


I still have received any nomination from ILUG-C for the LI registration
process.  PLEASE do this ASAP.  Or I will go ahead and assume that Prabhu
is ILUG-C's representative.

Marge: Besides, it's not just his chiseled good looks.  "People" magazine
says he's a devoted father, goes to church every week, and likes to fix 
things around the.... Homer, let's make love.
Homer: Uh, okay. [The lights go out.  The lights come on] 
Homer: Uh, you're thinking about me, right?
Marge: Of course, Homey.  Aren't you thinking about me? 
Homer: I will now. [The lights go off again]
Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave
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