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Re: SCSI Tape drives on Linux
Oommen Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> Do any of you have experience in using SCSI tape drives on Linux?
> a) What additional hardware is needed for the tape drive to work, if the
> kernel has SCSI support and has SCSI devices already connected?
> b) How do you go about installing/configuring the drive, assuming we have
> the 'insmod st' done?
> c) Are tar/taper the only software needed/available for backup/recovery
> with tapes on Linux ?
> d) How is the reliability vis-a-vis on Windows ?
> e) Any tips on compatibility (RHL hardware compatibility list just says
> "most scsi tape drives" supported)?
I have a Sony PCBacker external DDS-4 drive (20/40GB). RH6.1. I just
run a tar script w/ cron. Simple and non-proprietary. Very reliable so
far (about a year old). Arkeia and BRU are a couple of commercial
alternatives. I just plugged in in and refer to it via /dev/st0. No
pain, no brain. Just make sure you have kernel support.
I'd guess reliability would have more to do w/ the drive manufacturer
than the OS. I also have an HP external DDS-3 on Netware. HP has had
to replace it twice within the past couple of years (under warrantee,
fortunately). The DDS-3 replaced an HP DDS-2 that burned out. Just my
experience, for what it's worth.
Here's my simple stupid backup script. Don't forget the
--atime-preserve, otherwise you won't be able to find those old stale
files that sit untouched for years at a time. You only have to forget
once, then you'll be kicking yourself. Argggh.
cd /
# don't redirect error to log file. will be mailed to root by crond
tar --atime-preserve \
--create \
--verbose \
--verbose \
--label="$HOSTNAME:`date +%Y-%m-%d`" \
--file=/dev/st0 \
home3/wfdg/shared \
home3/wfdg/web \
usr/local/pgsql/data \
I'm trying to put together a PostgreSQL application in my spare time
that will suck up the backup.log file each night. Then link to some web
forms via PHP, so users can find files and I just need to pop in the
tape. SQL doesn't support variable depth hierarchical data structures
well, though. Sort of an excercise in SQL masochism, I suppose. For
now, when people need something back, we just guess the date, I list the
tape to a file, and see if we find what we need.
Ron Peterson
Systems Manager
Wallace Floyd Design Group
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