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Re: problems with procmail

>>>>> "Sridhar" == Mani Sridhar <msridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

  Sridhar> the internet. but i subscribe to the list with a mailbox my
  Sridhar> college gives me. to access the mail, i will have to come
  Sridhar> to my college computer centre. there is no modem pool for

<involved bit about exporting xterm snipped>

        I take it you must have a very good reason for not simply
using a procmail rule to forward mail received there to an accessible
  Sridhar> #1. my .forward file in the home directory contains the
  Sridhar> following...

  Sridhar> "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"

        Shouldn't that read something like (assuming login, linux): 

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #linux"

  Sridhar> #5. And here's what happens when i send the mail ( i telnet
  Sridhar> to port 25 and did the stuff with verbose mode enabled
  Sridhar> )....

  >>> mail from: msridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sridhar> sender <msridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ok
  >>> rcpt to: msridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sridhar> 051 /home/msridhar/.forward: line 1: forwarding to |exec
  Sridhar> /usr/bin/procmail 550 /home/msridhar/.forward: line 1:
  Sridhar> |exec /usr/bin/procmail... Address
  Sridhar> msridhar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is unsafe for mailing to programs

>From the sendmail release notes:

        Add new UnsafeGroupWrites option; if set, .forward and :include:
                files that are group writable are considered "unsafe" -- that
                is, programs and files referenced from such files are not
                valid recipients.
        Not entirely sure this is the problem you are running into,
but couldn't hurt checking the permission on your .forward.
        Are you using LBX/dxpc ?


arun krishnaswamy      <kar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>    <aroon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<http://prometheus.home.dhs.org>         Debian~FreeBSD~XEmacs~Gnus~fvwm
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