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RE: gnu and linux

Is Apache part of GNU? Most people use apache on linux. So dont you feel
that we shoudl call it Apache/GNU/linux. I mean even apache deserves credit
for the popularity of linux, right? I guess the same would be true of PERL.
It is the glue that holds together most applications that have made linux
useful on the net which is again a powerful reason to also include perl. Now
lets see, that would make it apache/perl/gnu/linux. I guess most people in
this forum havent read the 22 immuntable laws of marketing by Al Ries and
Jack Trout. Read the chapter about how naming can make or break a product.
It would difinitely nice to acknowledge all the people and organsiations
that have made a contribution. But I do not see why only two names should be
acknowledged. Why not a hundred. That way the whole linux community would
spend  more than 60% of its time spelling and pronouncing the name instead
of writing any code. Now that is good for linux or should I say
Apache/perl/Xfree86/Qmail/Zope/Python/gnu/linux. Of course it would also be
nice to have a name that keeps increasing in size everyday with more poeple
contributing to it. Then we can have contests like guess the new name of
"Apache/perl/Xfree86/Qmail/Zope/Python/gnu/linux" today and win a Santro.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ilugc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ilugc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Perrumal Adarsh
> Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 1:43 PM
> To: ilugc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: gnu and linux
> It is neither a matter of law or choice. We call a product by a
> name to identify
> the whole product, so it would make better sense if we can call
> it gnu/linux.
> "R. Sriram" wrote:
> > > GNU project is aimed at letting users have a choice -
> >
> > Do we have to call it GNU Linux by law or is it a choice. If it
> is a choice
> > and GNU is aimed at letting users have a choice, can I call it
> linux instead
> > of GNU linux?
> >
> > Hansolo
> >
> > ---
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