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Re: Debian Problems


>>>>> "Arun" == K Arun <kar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Arun>         .xinitrc if you use 'startx' from a virtual console,
    Arun> .xsession if you use Xdm (X==[gkwx]).

	My RH history is catching up with me.  :) But actually it
makes no diff.  You dont need a .xinitrc if you have a valid
.xsession!  figure it out!! (hint: less `which startx` and follow the

    Prabhu> A working .Xclients looks vaguely like (Id rather not
    Prabhu> confuse you with fancy stuff...)

    Prabhu> #!/bin/bash fvwm2 &

    Arun>         Not sure you need the ampersand, and 'exec whatever'
    Arun> may be better, saves you a process.

	I got confused by my own fancy stuff, you need the ampersand
if you use xtoolwait (which I do), not otherwise.

    Prabhu> dpkg --print-avail apmd wmapm genpower

    Arun>         Or better still, if you constantly look up package
    Arun> descriptions, like I do :):

	Actually, the best thing to do is 

$ less /var/lib/dpkg/available 

search for what is relevant and get a nice cup of cocoa!.

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