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boot disk

Thanks  friends  for  all  the  suggestions  on the msg posted with the
subject "rescue disk."

   Actually   It   was   a   Hard disk  problem as  Oommen Thomas mentioned.
(Mine was a Seagate Hard disk as well).

   As   Prem Kurian Philip  advised I  had tried a fdisk /mbr  and  it could
not fix  the  problem (I hope my MBR was corrupt beyond repair). I  went in
for a full format and fresh installation  and while  observing the  other
consoles (Alt  + F1 , F2, F3 , F4, F5) for  activity  I  observed  msgs

<4> hda :  irq request  timed out  status: 0xd0 
<4>  reset : success
(and  some other  simillar  msgs later)

displayed  frequently  with crackling noise from the Hard disk.  After  a
while it could proceed no further  and  Now  I have decided to get my hard
disk replaced.

Meanwhile  pls.   let  me  know  how  I  can   create  a  Linux  boot
diskette.  I   avoided (my mistake) creating one during install on the other
PC .  
I  wish  to  uninstall LILO  on the  MBR and  use  the  boot  diskette
instead. Is  this  possible ? If  so  How ?

Thanks & Regards,
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