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pinninty = vamsi5@yahoo.com ; end of thread

dear luggites, 

(1) as prabhu (our mailing list administrator) has posted already, said
user has been manually removed from the mailing list. i will keep a
watchful eye to ensure said user does not show up on the list.

(2) for what it is worth, i have mailed to postmaster@yahoo narrating
details of the incident.

let us end this thread here, please.


ps: i dont know where asokan got the idea that i am a nice guy. i mean, of
course i am a nice guy; but rub me the wrong way (usually, the tolerance
level is high - but there is a definite threshold) and i am up there with
the scorned woman. as soon as vamsi5 started protesting receipt of mails
from ilugc, i replied directly to the user (not to the list) indicating
how one could get off the list - even offering to delete the name from the
list. i also provided statistics of signon, signoff etc. i further
requested details like, is this a new account (maybe, an old vamsi5 was
subscribed and has since ditched yahoo and this user managed to get the
same id; i dont know if this is possible, but it is a possible
explanation), since when are you receiving mails from ilugc etc etc. it is
only after i got no replies to any of my mails and saw impolite language
posted that i made my 'dont-flip-the-tortoise-over' type posting. so, you
see, i am a nice guy after all.....

Send e-mail to 'ilugc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' with 'unsubscribe' 
in either the subject or the body to unsubscribe from this list.