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RE: Success stories needed [long] (was Re: Links to Berlin)

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>	Yes, we most definitely need a success stories page.  I am
>sure a lot of us have success stories.  But the problem is that those
>who have success stories dont necessarily have the time to write them.
>That takes way more effort since writing things well takes more effort
>than one usually is capable of at any given time.

IMO, it would make a lot of difference if it were to be in first person. 
Maybe just two lines, and somebody else go into details of the story based 
on maybe a telephone conversation with a person. But it must be another 
voluteer effort...

>2) If writing formally is a problem how about informal mails that are
>merely beautified and put up under various sections at chennailug?
Sounds good to me. Could we have some kind of contact info too abt the 
person who posts the story so any "outsider" can get in touch with the 
person, for a) authenticity or b) of they want something similar, or some 
kind of single window contact at ilugc who maintains the info on what/ how 
it was done... 

>a) convincing people that OSS solutions are worthwhile - an
>informative site like chennailug (with helps from folks on this list)
>will go a long way in this.
The proof of the pudding... most of the time, when yr working in a 
commercial org you do not have the luxury of time. In which case, when 
folks see its been done before, and they can find out more details they 
might have more enthu to switch... this has workd for me in the past, after 
all nobody want to reinvent the wheel, except for the sheer pleasure of it 

>b) easy and *complete* conversion from existing setups to more stable
>ones. With the well known "add on" to do so much more for so much
A classic example would be sendmail :) for more info look at 
www.sendmail.org and www.sendmail.com

>d) comprehensive training programmes for IT staff of the companies so
>that they are self sufficient.
>e) post conversion help, round the clock, and stuff.
Roshan? No, we won't think of it as a plug :)

>f) Possibly most importantly - a good software repository from where
>easy upgrades, security fixes and the like are done.  A wide network
>inside India will help a lot.
Ashokan? He did mention womething similar a while back... I think Dr 
Sriram, Ashokan, and Prabhu would be the right ppl to handle this... since 
you seem to have some of it already available (did somebody mention 33MB?)

