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Linux India General Mailing List <linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Administrative] LI Membership Recreated From Archives
Sender: ilugc-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
X-original-sender: thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: ilugc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Because of sheer stupidity and mistyping (don't type 'sudo rm' when you
mean 'sudo vim'. In fact, don't use sudo unless you absolutely have to.)
on my part I deleted the subscriber list of Linux India this morning.
Luckily, I had access to the archive of all the emails posted to the list.
I have tried to re-create the list as best as I can under these
I recreated the subscriber list using the 'From:' header in the archive.
This means that the people now subscribed to the mailing list are those who
have posted to LI *at least once* in the last month.
Here are a few things to note:
1. People who were not subscribed to the list earlier but still posted to
it are now subscribed to the list. I request these folks to please go
through the process of unsubscribing if they want to unsubscribe.
2. Most importantly, lurkers in the list who were subscribed but did not
post are no longer part of the mailing list. That is why I am sending this
email out to a large audience (if you receive duplicates, please bear with
me). Could such folks please try re-subscribing to the Linux India mailing
list by sending an email to majordomo@xxxxxxxxx with the body (not subject)
of the email containing the words 'subscribe linux-india' (without the
3. The email addresses used to create LI archives (like that egroups email
address) are no longer subscribed to the LI list. Could someone please
resubscribe these email addresses?
4. Even though I used sort and uniq to only grab unique email addresses, I
might have screwed up. If you notice that you are getting duplicate emails
from LI over the next couple of days, please send me (thaths@xxxxxxxxx) an
email and I shall act on it promptly.
5. Please circulate this email among your friends who might be interested
in this information.
Sorry for the inconvenience folks. I promise that I will get myself a SCSI
card and start backing up daily with my Jaz drive.
Thaths (LI_Admin_III_Class && Keyboard_Klutz)
At 04:51 AM 7/11/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Is linux India mailing list down?
>I haven't received any messages from the list for the past 3 days.
On the other hand if you are getting more than one copy of each mail to
linux India you can unsbscribe and then resubscribe to solve the problem.