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ilugc 24/04 meeting minutes.
- Subject: ilugc 24/04 meeting minutes.
- From: "K. Arun" <kar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:19:41 +0530
ILUG - Chennai/Madras met today (24th. April 1999, 1530 IST)
at the usual place (Computer Centre, IIT Madras).
While exact attendance figures are not at hand, less than 20
members attended; the slack could be attributed to the imminent approach
of end semester examinations. What is significant perhaps is that at
every meeting we see a considerable number of new faces. This meeting
was as productive as any other with talks, discussions, commitments,
revelations and promises.
Prabhu Ramachandran started off with a talk on setting up PPP to
dial out of the typical Linux box (his), the focus being on the
idiosyncracies of the Red Hat setup. The manner in which Debian deals
with this issue (pppconfig, pon, poff) was also mentioned.
The meeting then broke for coffee and the burning issue of
Linux India T-shirts was discussed threadbare, with Maneesh Bomb handling
most of the queries. Concurrent discussions on miscellaneous topics were
also heard.
Order was restored soon thereafter and our resident guru and
host, Dr. Sriram took up where Prabhu left off and discussed the
steps involved in setting up a dial-in PPP server in great detail,
digressing along the way to handle issues such as callback and IVRS
(using mgetty+voice).
Several interesting initiatives currently in place in this city
relating to free software/OSS were also revealed, primary among them being
the Linux training programme from Lateral Software (who are responsible
for a large hoarding with three rather puny looking penguins on a busy
bridge in the city).
The date for the next meeting has not been definitely decided as
yet. The matter will be resolved on the ilugc discussion list.
- arun
- --
Prof: So the American government went to IBM to come up with a data
encryption standard and they came up with ...
Student: EBCDIC!
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